Te Reo Māori
Ko te reo te manawa pou o te Māori,
Ko te ihi te waimanawa o te tangata,
Ko te roimata, ko te hūpē te waiaroha.
Ko tōku nui, tōku wehi, tōku whakatiketike, tōku reo.
Te Reo Māori is indigenous to Aotearoa, New Zealand. It is a taonga recognised under the Treaty of Waitangi, a primary source of our nation’s self knowledge and identity, and an official language. By understanding and using Te reo Māori, New Zealanders become more aware of the role played by the indigenous language and culture defining and asserting the unique point of difference of Māori in the wider world.
In order to ensure the survival of Te reo Māori, Raurimu Ave School operates at level 4(b) in all mainstream classes. This level requires a minimum of 3 hours per week of weekly teaching time in Te Reo Māori. Te Whānau Rūmaki o Ōwhuia, established in 2019, provides a māori medium educational pathway for the community. This option is open to all new entrants upon enrolment and operates at level 2 or 51-80% immersion level.