Our Curriculum Values
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- Perspectives of ownership and guardianship of the land and our environment.
- Exploring personal, local and national taonga and sites of significance, their history, their current status and their future viability.
- Understanding the human impact on ecosystems and vice versa. Creating and taking action for sustainability.
- Mason Durie’s philosophy of well-being that includes the dimensions taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana, and taha whanau, each one influencing and supporting the others.
- Developing positive and responsible attitudes on the part of students to their own well-being; respect, care, and concern for other people and the environment; and a sense of social justice.
- The foundation of our identity comes from who we come from. Culture and heritage originate and are sustained through familial links and bonds.
- Kinship comes with rights and obligations and affects responses to historical events.
- People pass on and sustain culture and heritage for different reasons and this has consequences for people.
- Relationships, kinship and family connections.
- Working together to ensure collective success.
- Building, negotiating, renewing and strengthening self and others through shared experiences that develop a sense of belonging.